Professional Services

  • Session Rates

    $200/60 minute initial assessment

    $125/45 minute follow up

    $50/60 minute group

  • Subscription

    $500/mo for a comprehensive subscription including one weekly individual appointment (for 4 weeks per month) with your provider and unlimited access to groups

    $200/mo for an unlimited monthly group subscription with access to all groups available (examples include: meal support, parent & partner support, eating disorder support)

Individual Nutrition Therapy

At an intake appointment, we ask questions and develop a plan to help. If you are comfortable we may measure body composition and if appropriate, provide a meal plan.

Every session is individualized so we spend time listening and asking questions. If you are accompanying an adolescent, we may ask for the time to be divided between client with provider and family with provider, recognizing that some adolescents may prefer to have a trusted adult present at all times.

We believe the time is yours.

At a follow-up nutrition session, we assess progress and vulnerabilities from the previous session. The divergent dietitian desires to move individuals closer to freedom with food. If at any time you are unclear about the plan or curious about future goals please do not hesitate to ask.